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The purpose of this study is to analyze individual and environmental factors that influence entrepreneurial behavior and analyze the entrepreneurial behavior of farmers on farming performance in Lingga Village, Simpang District. The sample was determined by purposive sampling method, in order to obtain 30 carrot farmer entrepreneurs. The characteristics of carrot farmer business actors are described through descriptive analysis. Furthermore, Partial Least Square (PLS) is used to analyze the influence of internal and external factors on entrepreneurial behavior and the influence of entrepreneurial behavior on business performance. The results showed that the external environment had a positive and significant effect on the internal environment with a T-count value of 4.168 greater than the T-table value of 1.701. The influence of individual factors on the entrepreneurial behavior of carrot farmers has no significant effect, because the t-statistic value is 0.573 smaller than the t-table at = 10% (two-way test) which is 1.29. While the results of the calculation of the influence of environmental factors on the entrepreneurial behavior of carrot farmers have a significant effect, because the t-statistic value is 5,404 greater than the table at = 10% (two-way test) which is 1.29. (3) the effect of farmer entrepreneurial behavior on farming has a real impact where the t-statistic value is 4.168 greater than the t-table at = 10% (two-way test) which is 1.29. The results of data analysis prove that the entrepreneurial behavior of farmers has a positive and real influence on farm performance.