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Rizki Bastanta B. Manalu
Tri widia astuti Tamba
Josua ginting
Gevin Manihuruk


Physical Education, Sports and Health is a long-term investment in efforts to develop the quality of human resources in Indonesia. The expected results of physical education can be achieved in a long time. Therefore, students through Physical Education, Sports and Health require a long process as well as patience and sincerity to make sacrifices. The process of forming attitudes and generating motivation must be started sustainably. Physical education in schools is part of the entire educational process that plays an important role in achieving educational goals. Therefore, the purpose of physical education is educational. Aerobic gymnastics is one type of sport that increases and is in great demand by most people, both in rural and urban areas, both men and women. This is because aerobic gymnastics is a sport that can be done en masse, is cheap, cheerful, fun and provides direct and real benefits.Until now, aerobic gymnastics is in great demand by adults and housewives. Meanwhile, for junior high school students, aerobic gymnastics is still rarely or has never been taught in schools. The low attention to this field can be used to introduce and develop aerobic gymnastics among junior high school students As an alternative, a specific objective that can be applied is the influence of aerobic gymnastics on the fitness level of students at SD Negeri 173680 Marom located on JLN, HKBP Marom Church, Onan Dalan Village (Marom Village) Uluan District which aims to improve students' physical fitness in helping to aintain the health and enthusiasm for learning at nschool. This research is worthy of being studied considering previous research, reviewed from the lack of motivation to do aerobic gymnastics at school. This research was conducted in supporting student activities at school in improving student fitness. As a mandatory output of the research, scientific articles are published in the National Journal of Sinta 5. The Technology Readiness (TKT) of the proposed research is at level 2 where the concept of technology and its application have been formulated.

Article Details

Vol 3 NO 1 TAHUN 2024